we invite you to an active holiday on a mini farm
Trips to internet and technology-free zones.
Dare to leave your smartphone, laptop, tablet at home with us !!! Disconnect physically and mentally from cyberspace.
Your guide will take you to the most secluded and inaccessible place for tourists. There you will be able to reactivate and sharpen all your senses. With people, with wildlife, take 1 step for your techdetox.
We determine the programme based on our range of services in consultation with the target group.
We cater for groups of 4-12 people.
What are the signs and symptoms of internet addiction?
Like any other compulsive behaviour, such as gambling, spending long hours online to shop, browse or gamble can trigger a surge of dopamine, a chemical in the brain associated with pleasure. This creates an experience similar to a drug-induced high, which can be the catalyst for the development of Internet addiction symptoms.
This scenario can lead to tolerance building, meaning you will have to spend more hours online to achieve the same results. Excessive use of social media , gaming and even online shopping usually indicates that there is a problem with inappropriate internet use and it can be difficult to break the negative cycle of excessive internet use, which ultimately affects other aspects of your life.
Some common signs and symptoms that would indicate that you may be suffering from internet addiction are set out below:
Behavioural symptoms of Internet addiction:
Typical symptoms of internet addiction can include:
- No longer engages in activities that used to give pleasure
- Spending most hours online
- Anger or agitation if you are asked to move away from your chosen device
- Lying about internet use
- Concealing Internet use
Physical symptoms of Internet addiction:
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Aches and pains caused by lack of exercise
- Digestive problems
- Change in physical appearance / lack of attention to grooming or hygiene
- Unintentional weight loss or weight gain
Mental symptoms of Internet addiction:
- Poor ability to concentrate
- The problem of distinguishing reality from fantasy
- Memory impairment
Social symptoms of Internet addiction:
- Irritable mood
- Social isolation
- Employment problems
- Strained interpersonal relationships
Welcome to Ghebi
a fantastic adventure is closer than you think....